Hello and welcome to Xtend Health Asia, a labor of love dedicated to Xtend-Life Natural Health Products (health supplements & skincare), which is manufactured in their fully-own and purpose-built state-of-the-art facility in Christchurch, New Zealand.
They are highly regulated (very important to me as health professional): Has a food safety program based on hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) which is regularly audited by AsureQuality (an internationally accredited authority owned by the New Zealand government), and a Risk Management Program (RMP) which is regularly audited by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). Xtend-Life also abides by the US FDA’s cGMP (good manufacturing practices) code for dietary supplements.
These compliance programs enable them to rigorously control the quality of all raw ingredients and finished products to ensure that their products always achieve the highest standards possible.
I hope this website is able to help you naturally build and achieve the health, wellness and skin that you desire.
Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Xtend Life: this means that I am NOT their employee, but am an independent affiliate marketer. If you buy their products through my links, they will pay me an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you (it's paid out of their marketing budget). I hope to serve you well enough such that you would willingly and knowingly buy Xtend Life products through my affiliate links.
Let's keep building our best health for our future and people we love - Nigel Chua, Health Supplement Enthusiast
At this point in writing in 2016, though more people are understanding this concept, yet this idea has many people is disbelief and scratching their heads.
In fact, it's not something now, and it's something I've said for years and years (also one of the core reasons why I turn to high quality natural health supplements since 2003). More and more studies are showing an increasing trend of individuals living in United States, Canada, United Kingdom and more to be malnourished and living in nutrient deficit lifestyles.
It's interesting, because at the same time, obesity is truly ballooning in those three countries too.
Could this be linked? I believe that nutrient deficits and malnourishment should be an influential factor in a lot of health problems including obesity, cancers and ailments.
A question to ask is "are the people who are overweight, eating all the food and nutrients, causing the rest of the population to be nutrient deficit and malnourished?"
Actually, no - in fact, it's the overweight people who are included in the group of people who are malnourished/nutrient deficient.
Ok, that may be a little hard to believe...that "overweight people can be malnourished" >> they should be OVER-nourished right, since they're overweight?
More below.
...it's all about the food we eat.
Analysis of the range of foods in Canada which includes potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, apples, onion, broccoli and more was commissioned by The Globe and Mail and CTV news, and the results were astonishing.
Just the analysis of potatoes showed that over the last 60 years, the potato has lost:
Out of seven nutrients analyzed, only 1 nutrient has increased, which is niacin.
And this trend repeated itself across all the 25 fruits and vegetables that were commissioned to be tested. In fact, the worse was broccoli where results showed that all its nutrients had been depleted/declined significantly, including niacin with calcium which decreased by 63%.
Then the Globe and Mail and CTV compared numbers and figures from government studies of years 1951, 1972 and 1999 which had been earlier published in multiple scientific journals in the United Kingdom (UK) which includes the British Food Journal (note: release of this data in the United States has been limited to only a few alternative health journals).
A professor at the Center for Food Policy in England, Mr Tim Lang, says that food nutrition has devalued so much that the nutritional value of 1 orange during our grandfather's time is equivalent to 8 oranges of today's time (2015).
Here's what happened.
Consumers demand for cheaper and cheaper BUT "good looking" over the years and decades gradually changed the way farms work as well as distribution channels work.
In the past, a farmer used to rotate their crops to suit the land and maximized his or her crop yields using natural methods and then supplied their fresh produce to their local markets for distribution.
That's a long, long time ago.
Today, the emphasis has changed to high volume production, it needs to look good, it needs to store well and it needs to be able to last/withstand logistical transportation - nutritional value?
Meh. Not important. (I will just cringe every time I hear this)
Dr Phil Warman, who is an agronomist and professor of agricultural sciences at Nova Scotia Agricultural College, says this:
“crops are bred to produce higher yields, to be resistant to disease and to produce more visually attractive fruits or vegetables, but little or no emphasis is placed on their vitamin and mineral content.”
Of course, this gets worse and worse and out of hand as more and more companies are becoming increasingly "vertically owned and controlled" whereby the entire food production from seeds to seedlings to maturity are all controlled.
Because of these managements and controls, farmers are no more than technical automatons with little to no options than to work for these large companies and conform to their "corporate" approach to farming and production and processing.
Add the engineering of crops which kicks nutrients and nutritional value even further down the importance list and sooner than later, the entire problem of malnourishment will become a very serious one, leading to a serious spike of cancers and diseases to very high levels.
Of course.
You see, if you don't have enough vital/essential nutrients for your organs and cells to function, it'd create a nutrient deficit in your body's physiological system.
You will ALWAYS feel under the weather and may not ever "feel good", and this will likely lead you to exercise less....and you may increase your tendency to seek and indulge in comfort foods which usually contains scores of sugar and yet lacking nutrients....and so the vicious cycle continues.
It usually ends in a grim manner: overweight/obesity, poor health...
I will try my best to simplify for you my best practices:
Total Balance Men's Premium ![]() The ultimate men's health and nutrition supplement | |
Here are the Xtend Life health supplements that I personally use since 2014 and reviewed that I know will improve your health results.
Total Balance Men's Premium (review here)
Omega 3 Fish Oil QH Ultra (review here)
Kiwi Klenz (review here)
Garcinia Cambogia + Green Coffee Bean
Lipi Rite (review here)
Natural Energy Bee Pollen (review here)
See all the Xtend Life Supplements Nigel Take
Green Lipped Mussel Powder (read review)
Joints & anti inflammation
Neuro Natural Recall (read review)
Brain & memory booster
Neuro Natural Serenity (read review)
Brain & mood booster
Neuro Natural Sleep (read review)
Improves sleep quality
Neuro Natural General (read review)
Brain & memory booster
Male Rejuvenator (read review)
Aids sex & prostate health
Female Rejuvenator (read review)
Boosts female sexual health
Natural Energy with NZ Bee Pollen (read review)
Ups energy & alertness
Kiwi-Klenz (read review)
Aids nutrient absorption & digestive health
Immu-Stay (read review)
Boosts immunity defence
Lipi-Rite (read review)
Manage high cholesterol
Not Just Joints (read review)
Joints & arthritis support
Systemic Care (read review)
Diabetes health support
Bone-Support (read review)
Aids bone strength & health
Cardio-Support (read review)
Boosts heart health
Garcinia Cambogia & Green Coffee Bean (read review)
Weight loss supplement
Zupafood Elite (read review)
Libido, immunity & energy
Zupafood Greenz (read review)
Detox, immunity & liver
Zupafood for Skin (read review)
Glutathione, marine collagen & elastin
Prostate-Support (read review)
Prostate & sexual health, better sleep
Men's Foaming Facial Cleanser (read review)
With natural Kiwifruit & Manuka Honey
Men's Exfoliating Scrub (read review)
Removes dead skin cells & refine pores
Men's Facial Fluid (read more)
Repairs, restores & soothes
Men's Eye Serum (read review)
Energizes, hydrates & firms tired eyes
Men's Body Lotion (read review)
Moisturizes & improves skin elasticity
Men's Hydrating Mask (read review)
Invigorates & deep hydration
Men's Cleansing Mask (read review)
Purge impurities & refines skin
Women's Nourishing Hand Cream (read review)
Protects, moisturizes & soothes skin
Women's Exfoliating Scrub (read review)
Refines & renews skin
Women's Day Cream (review here)
Moisturizing & anti aging
Women's Day Cream + Natural Whitening (read review)
Whitens, reduces fine lines & reduces wrinkles
Women's Night Cream (read review)
Omega 3 & 6 anti oxidant skin renewing moisturizer
Women's Sheer Day And Night Cream (read review)
Softens, anti wrinkle & hydrates
Women's Eye Serum (read review)
Energizes, firms and hydrates tired eyes
Women's Body Lotion (read review)
Soothes, anti oxidant & hydration
Women's Hydrating Mask (read review)
Invigorates & hydrates
Women's Cleansing Mask (read review)
Renews, supports & invigorates skin
Women's Foaming Facial Cleanser (read review)
With natural Kiwifruit & Manuka Honey
Total Balance Men's Premium (read review)
Comprehensive cellular multi vitamins
Total Balance Women's Premium (read review)
Comprehensive cellular multi vitamins
Total Balance Unisex Premium (read review)
Comprehensive cellular multi vitamins
Total Balance Children's (read review)
For healthy development, immunity & learning
Multi-Xtra (read review)
48 bio available nutrients for cellular health
Omega 3 DHA Fish Oil Premium (read review)
Helps mood, heart, cholesterol & sleep
Omega 3 DHA Fish Oil (read review)
Aids joints, heart, cholesterol & sleep
Omega 3 / QH Ultra CoQ10-Ubiquinol (read review)
Cardiovascular health, anti cholesterol & energy
Omega 3 / DHA Mini (read review)
Easier for children to swallow; aids brain, memory & learning